Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Health Articles
1: Ayurveda: Preventive Medicine
It should not be hard for anyone to imagine that man sought medicine to maintain life and gain knowledge since the time of his being pre-hominid and eating plants while learning which ones killed him. Your puppy or kitten will show this when it goes outside for the first time and eats grass to help its gastrointestinal processes. The Therapeutae of Pythagoras who some say developed the pentagram were learning from far more ancient insights that were being lost and we have lost a lot of the knowledge of healing he had in his chanting or Singing of the Spheres.
2: What’s Wrong With You?
Sudbury, ON – The kind, gentle old family practitioner keeping an eye out for the patient’s overall health is a thing of the past. These days, doctors are as swamped with HMO paperwork as they are wi
3: Who ‘Nose’ about Snoring?!
One common question amongst people who snore is “why is this happening to me?” and because chronic snoring indulges hilarity for those fortunate enough to live without the condition, many go on suffer
4: what you need to know about Cervical Cancer 101
Cervical cancer affects the female body in the cervix region. The womb of a woman finds its opening through the cervix. Many a times the human papilloma virus causes the disease. It is transmitted sexual exchanges. The cervix being the most important organ of the reproductive system requires proper attention as far as cancer onset is concerned. Such a cancer affects the other organs of the cervix region and can cause damage to the reproductive organs. This makes the disease all the more fatal. Such a spread is commonly termed as metastasis.
Food Articles
1: Coffee Vending Machine or Coffee Shop
I was in town for an afternoon, and traipsing around looking to get a good cup of coffee for my troubles. It was a day off, and my quest for a new pair of jeans was failing badly. I didn’t want anythi
2: The Spice of life.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to cookery and cuisines , do please browse for more information at our websites.
3: Rochester MN Restaurants and Dining Guide
When looking for a place to dine-out, Rochester MN can offer a location to meet practically any taste. There is a wide variety of restaurants available, ranging from fast food to fine dining, full me
Nutrition Articles
1: Blue Green Algae is an Excellent Source of Protein and Amino Acids and more
Blue green algae are not only an excellent source of amino acids and protein, but are generally considered to be the king of superfoods. It contains just about every nutrient you could think of, and h
2: Because Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies Buy Organic
The huge jump that has occurred over the past few years in food allergies among US children has been found in the news often, but the reports fail to investigate a link to a recent major change in Ame
3: Lack Of Essential Fats In The Diet Can Kill
A lot of talk has been generated over the past several years about fats. Are they good? Bad? Should fats be eliminated from our diets altogether? While this was once a common notion, it is now wid
4: The Aztec Version of Two Scoops of Stamina: Salba®
Winter Springs, FL – Americans now have access to a natural seed so powerful the Conquistadors burned the crops of these ancient seeds in order to complete their domination of the Aztecs. Called the
5: Alfalfa is A Nutrient Rich Food
The powerful nutrients of alfalfa are not a new discovery. Chinese healers have used alfalfa as far back as the sixth century, mainly for kidney stones. Alfalfa is known to improve urinary tract healt
6: What If You Were Recently Diagnosed With A Life Threatening Immune Disorder?
Thousands of Americans are diagnosed with auto immune disorders every year. Don’t let bad news get you down about your immune system because there is hope. You’ve likely heard that mushrooms are som
7: Vitamin E found to ‘Ward Off Decline”
Recent research has found that a daily supplement of vitamin E can help to reduce physical decline in elderly people. The study revealed that the physical ability of people aged over 65 was worst in
8: Artichoke Leaves Provide Stimulating Digestion Benefits
The leaves from the plant of this familiar food are found to be beneficial to our digestion and metabolism, potentially reducing cholesterol. The artichoke has long been eaten as a vegetable, and has
9: Alfalfa Is One Of Nature’s Most Nutrient-Rich Foods
Most people have likely heard of alfalfa in relation to its use as an important animal feedstuff without understanding that it is one of nature’s most nutrient-rich foods. It appears to be a trait wit
10: How to Eat to Gain Weight
If your goal is to build muscle tissue and gain weight, your muscle building diet may be the most important component to your success.